Hi, how has your week been? Mine has been interesting. We could all agree that I am not good at social media thingy. The good news is all the deactivated designs/videos are back. I was sent a message along with some photos a few days ago. The message suggests a few things. There is a real person behind every comment and message. They take time to express themselves. I respect, and I pay attention. In this case, I paid too much attention. Without investigating further, I let the message lead me to believe that I had harmed others. The thought of me hurting someone is unbearable. I judged myself, harshly. I spoke to a media art lawyer. About online claims, intellectual property, copyright, and moving forward, how to protect my designs. I have learned a lot in the past few days. I need to adapt myself to the social media world. I have had enough of dramas. I can’t wait to create more fun projects and share them with you. So, shall we? There are a lot of messages. I might not be able to reply to all. I truly appreciated your beautiful support and love. Thank you so much.

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